Eligibility Reinstatement Form


Students who fall below the 3.0 GPA requirement become temporarily ineligible to receive funding for the South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship Program.  Section 24:40:13:09 - Reinstatement of eligibility lost due to failure to maintain grade point average of the Administrative Rules that govern the scholarship program specifies that any student who loses eligibility because of the student's cumulative grade point average falls below 3.0 on a 4.0 scale ma re-establish eligibility by raising the cumulative GPA to 3.0 or greater on a 4.0 scale.

To have one's eligibility reinstated, students must apply to the participating institution using the form posted below.  After receiving the form, institutions will verify the student's GPA to determine if they have indeed met the requirements for reinstatement.  After verification by the participating institution, the executive director shall disburse payments on behalf of the student for the term following that in which reinstatement is earned and for all subsequent terms during which the student remains eligible.  Note that students must maintain all other continuing eligibility requirements during those semesters they had been temporarily ineligible.  Any student who loses eligibility a second time may NOT be reinstated a second time.

Eligibility Reinstatement Form


Due Dates

Each application must be completed by September 20 for the Fall semester or by February 15 for the Spring semester.



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